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Alternate Watch Unblocked

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Some horror games do not have traditional plot and are quite strange. If you are a fan of such weird adventures, here is a new one for you – Alternate Watch, a creepy game that will scare you to death even without fights with monsters. So what is your mission in this project? You are just a watcher, but the things you are going to see are really scary. So let’s find out more!

Monitor every room!

The task seems quite routine – you will sit in front of the computer and control the rooms you see on the screen. This is the broadcast from surveillance cameras installed in the house you have never been to before. So what you need to look for? Sometimes, strange things will happen here – and you need to immediately spot and stop these! You cannot even imagine what can happen in an empty apartment – things can move on the own, change their positions, and even mysteriously disappear. So you must remember furniture and objects in each room to notice if something goes wrong. Are your memory skills strong enough to support you through the walkthrough? Let’s check it out!

Be careful with intruders!

The scariest thing is that you will face not only issues with objects! You will also notice strange shadows and hear frightening noises. These are intruders that appear literally from nowhere! They are very scary, and it is better to stop them before they bring any harm. How can you do it? You have a special button through which you can report an anomaly. You just need to select a room where you have noticed it and report the type of anomaly. Once you do it correctly – strange things or entities will disappear. You must not miss anything or you will fail your mission. At some moment, a creepy feeling of fear will seize you, but do not give up. Prove you can register absolutely all anomalies and win!

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